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Poetry is the impish attempt to paint the color of the wind. ~Maxwell Bodenheim

Valentines Day is upon us.

This day’s high expectations smack me
My mind numbs to the attack and whispers,
“Nothing more than any other day”
This day of romance, of cards and flowers
Is but a spark for those with a tentative love.
My spirit remembers and softly says,
“Nothing more than any other day”
The love that fills my life requires no urging
For each day I love her with all of my heart.
My soul rejoices and exclaims,
“Nothing more than any other day”
Can I possibly think of her more ‘this day’
When she already fills my head from rise to rest.
My heart celebrates and sings,
“Nothing more than any other day”
With each and every thought of her
Her smile, her touch, her warm embrace
My fire quickens and cheers,
“Nothing more than any other day”
This day of love is but one new day to cherish her
One more chance to affirm my love
My very fiber applauds and rejoices,
“Nothing more than any other day"



As a beach changes

When each wave touches sand

So too, my love for you

Is constantly changing


Brushed by soft, gentle waves

With each fleeting thought of you

And warm, easy waves

That your voice ushers in


Each wave cleanses

Washing away unpleasant sediment

Leaving behind the grains

Of a nourishing love


I reach for your hand

Sensing the exhilaration to come

And again I’m surprised

How each finds a place in my heart


They follow us each night

Kisses, be they tender or fleeting

Touches, barely discernible

Or a thunderous surge


The waves remind me

With every smile, every kiss

With every memory of us

Of our love


How can man be whole
Until he loves
And is loved
Love feeds the soul
Gives it life
And brings it to bloom
Love given and love received
Balanced as the breath
That preserves the body
Renewed with each glance
Made surer still
With every touch
Generating energy each day
And bringing peace
With each night shared
I am blessed with such a love
Joyfully given
Enthusiastically returned
And now wed to my love
And my love wed to me
I am whole


To you, the true companion of all my joys and sorrows
To you, whose beautiful form protects a mind more lovely
I am inspired by you
My words, suggested by the reflection on your brilliance
Written under the shelter of your encouragement
Become, in truth, your own

I see you next to me
Beautiful as you sleep
Dark hair softly on your cheek
Bare, strong arms outside the blankets
I reach for your hand
But you are only a dream
I roll over and try to fall asleep again
Turning my back on my vision of you
Wishing that you were with me
Wishing you were already my bride

Her Birthday

'Tis Lori's birthday--raise your voice,
And sing and roar in sweet rejoice,
Celebrate with special glee
For Lori, who was born for me.

Tell all the fairies as they prance,
Jubilant in their raucous dance;
They’re no more fancy free,
Than Lori, who was born for me.

Tell every spirit in the sky,
Watching o’er us as they fly,
That it’s not an angel that they see
‘Tis Lori, who was born for me.

Tell with song, with joyful flute,
On this I stand most resolute,
And if you know us you’ll agree,
It’s Lori who was born for me.

Tell all the gods in heaven above,

How little Cupid knows of love
For I'd hate to breathe or be,
If Lori was not born for me.


Delicate kisses

Nape of neck to small of back

Resting in heaven


he lights rain down on an hundred faces

And there she is

Row upon row upon row,

the voices sing out

And there she is

Dancers glide across the stage in waves

And there she is

She's but one of an hundred

Yet her face glows most brightly

Her smile shines most brilliant

Her voice rings most pure

Her figure twirls most joyful

She is love

She is hope, and beauty, and joy

She is my everything.


Glued in dispiriting weary

Bees swarm in my head

In dreams came tales dreary
Merciless skies fill with dread

Life’s noisy storms survived
Old hopes, with each year
Forgot how softness sounded,
Quiet features once so dear.


Days dragged slow and quiet
Dark mass round, dark skies above
Devoid of belief; uninspired,
Devoid of tears, of fire, of love.

Rest from my soul retreating,
And then from darkness you appear
Before me like a vision fleeting,
A lovely spirit, genuine and clear.


A wonderful moment; our first meeting
Your smile still beams in my memory
The way it sent my heart to beating,
Afloat in delicious reverie.

In bliss my heart now beating,
Gladness and joy revive;
Inspired, it is greeting
The fire, and thrill, and love alive.


For long your tender voice was sounding,
For long in dreams came features dear.




A man takes a wife

Knowing no other course

Hoping to fill a hollowness inside

And life moves ahead most expectantly


Then the man becomes a father

The love and joy of his children

Masking the void within

And life moves on quite predictably


Years run by quickly

The children grow independent

Awaking the embers of the emptiness

And life moves ahead unsteadily


Time for togetherness is spent apart

Hoping to find out who they are

And the hollow begins to ache

And life moves on cautiously


No enthusiasm, no passion

First separation, then a divorce

The ache becomes numbness

And life moves ahead warily


He has so much love to give

But his heart beats half-empty

The hunger grows

And life moves ahead slowly


He wished to love and be loved

Not to journey through life alone

His longing meant to be sated

And his life is renewed with hope


Not knowing what a soul-mate was

He found her

His heart filled to bursting

And his life moves ahead splendidly


Now soul-mate becomes his bride

His partner for all time

Joy and love overwhelm the emptiness

And their lives move ahead most wonderfully



Before there was you
I didn’t understand alone
Alone never meant as much
Never had it cut so deep

Apart, time creeps so 
Only anticipation offers comfort
Knowing each moment apart
Is a moment nearer to you 


Nearer your joyous smile

To holding you again

Feeling you in my arms

A moment nearer our next kiss


With each thought of you

My heart smiles and my spirits rise

Slowly warming my soul

And, for a moment, the loneliness fades




My head is spinning

Before, my life was deciding for me

Now it's so turbulent

Children and college and life-shaping issues

Divorce and settlement and alimony

A house to sell, another to buy

Business and career questions twist in my mind

And pain my constant companion

Questions and risks -- big decisions to make


My heart and soul rest in your hands and it is there that I find peace.

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